MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that allows unauthenticated access by default.
Regardless of the user’s authentication database, Mongo always stores user information in admin
MongoDB stores all user information, including name, password, and the user’s authentication database, in the
collection in the admin database.
See centralized-user-data and system-users-collection.
When you create a user and grant that user access to a single database (aka their authentication database) then that information can only be stored in the admin
So, it’s not really a question of “best practice”; storing user details in admin
is MongoDB’s choice, as implemented by their user management commands.
Update in response to this comment:
Ok, so the users are always located in the admin db, but I may also add “duplicates” to the other dbs? Maybe the question should be whether there any advantage in adding users to the other “non admin” dbs?
If you intend to have a single user with access to multiple databases then create a single user with roles in each of those databases rather than creating that user multiple times i.e. once in each of those databases. For example:
use admin;
db.createUser({user:'userName', pwd:'passwordValue', roles:[
{role:'readWrite', db:'DatabaseA'},
{role:'readWrite', db:'DatabaseB'}
Create initial admin user
# start mongo and switch to admin db
mongos> use admin
switched to db admin
# create admin user
mongos> db.createUser({
user: "admin",
pwd: "<long secure password>",
roles:[ "userAdminAnyDatabase", "dbAdminAnyDatabase", "readWriteAnyDatabase"] })
Successfully added user: {
"user" : "admin",
"roles" : [
# connect with new admin user
$ mongo -u admin -p <long secure password> --authenticationDatabase admin
# create db
# empty dbs are not persisted so create a collection to make it stay
mongos> use my_app_db
switched to db my_app_db
mongos> db.createCollection("deleteme")
{ "ok" : 1 }
mongos> show collections
# Finally create your app user account app_svc_name
Sharded Cluster with enforced authentication
- a cluster-wide admin user
- a replica set specific admin user
Cluster-wide Admin
admin = db.getSiblingDB("admin");
user: "cluster_admin",
pwd: "super_complex_password",
roles: [
{ role: "clusterAdmin", db: "admin" },
{ role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }
Replica Set Admin (a.k.a shard local)
admin = db.getSiblingDB("admin");
user: "shard_local_admin",
pwd: "super_complex_password",
roles: [
{ role: "clusterAdmin", db: "admin" },
{ role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }
Enable authentication in the mongos configuration
keyFile: /etc/mongodb/keys/mongodb-internal-cluster-auth.key
Connect to all replica set member nodes
mongo --host rsConfig/mongo-node1:27019,mongo-node2:27019,mongo-node3:27019
mongo --host rs1/mongo-node1:27021,mongo-node2:27021,mongo-node3:27021
mongo --host rs2/mongo-node1:27022,mongo-node2:27022,mongo-node3:27022
Authenticate and check that the admin users exist
db.auth( "cluster_admin", "super_complex_password" )
db.auth( "shard_local_admin", "super_complex_password" )
use admin
rs1:PRIMARY> db.getUsers()
"_id" : "admin.shard_local_admin",
"user" : "shard_local_admin",
"db" : "admin",
"roles" : [
"role" : "clusterAdmin",
"db" : "admin"
"role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase",
"db" : "admin"
Log in
mongo -u <username> -p <password> --authenticationDatabase <dbname>
Rename collections
Copy Collection
mongoexport -d db_name -c src_collection | mongoimport -d db_name -c dst_collection --drop
# or
db.myoriginal.aggregate([ { $out: "mycopy" } ])
# or
db.myoriginal_collection.aggregate([{$match: { id: "id" }},{ $out: "myoriginal_duplicate_collection" } ])
Check replication set status
// connect to multiple instances and automatically fail over
// if one becomes unavailable
mongo --host rs1/node1:27017,node2:27017,node3:27017
// get full replication set status
// list replication set members
# backup all databases
$ mongodump -v -u app_svc_name -p tG9agv3rnTTAtFiexX5dc --port 27018
# backup single database
$ mongodump -v -u app_svc_name -p tG9agv3rnTTAtFiexX5dc --port 27018 --db=app
# mongo shell: if you want to restore an existing db and keep the old version around
> db.copyDatabase('app', 'app_20200428')
# restore all databases from backup
$ mongorestore -v -u app_svc_name -p tG9agv3rnTTAtFiexX5dc --host="rs1/node1:27021,node2:27021,node3:27021" --dir ./restore/
# restore db app from backup with new name app_dev
$ mongorestore -v -u app_svc_name -p tG9agv3rnTTAtFiexX5dc --db app_dev --dir dump/app
# restore a collection from backup (e.g. 'sessions' collection)
$ mongorestore -v -u app_svc_name -p tG9agv3rnTTAtFiexX5dc --host="rs1/node1:27021,node2:27021,node3:27021" --drop --db=app --collection=sessions ./restore/app/sessions.bson
# mongo shell: check if the old and restored dbs match
> use app
> db.stats()
// use admin db
use admin
// create auth user and test credentials
user: "app_svc_name",
pwd: "tG9agv3rnTTAtFiexX5dc",
roles: [{ role: "dbOwner", db: "app_svc_name" }] })
// authenticate
db.auth("app_svc_name", "tG9agv3rnTTAtFiexX5dc")
// Logout
// insert single document
db.<collectionName>.insert({field1: "string", field2: 1337});
// insert multiple documents
db.<collectionName>.insert([{field1: "value1"}, {field1: "value2"}]);
db.<collectionName>.insertMany([{field1: "value1"}, {field1: "value2"}]);
// matching document will be updated; if no document matching the ID is found, a new document is created
db.<collectionName>.save({"_id": new ObjectId("jhgsdjhgdsf"), field1: "value", field2: "value"});
// retrieve all records
// retrieve limited number of records; Following command will print 10 results
// retrieve records by id
db.<collectionName>.find({"_id": ObjectId("someid")});
db.<collectionName>.find({"title":"Treasure Island"});
// find by wildcard
db.<collectionName>.find({"name": /.*m.*/})
// find by in
// find within a date range
db.<collectionName>.find({ $and: [
{"<datefieldname>" : {$gte: ISODate("2018-07-01T00:00:00.000Z")}},
{"<datefieldname>": {$lte: ISODate("2018-08-01T00:00:00.000Z")}} ]
// find with conditional operators
db.<collectionName>.find({$and: [
{"<field2name>":"<field2value>"} ]
// "projection"
// retrieve values of specific collection attributes by passing an object having
// attribute names assigned to 1 (true) or 0 (false) based on whether that
// attribute value needs to be included in the output or not, respectively
db.<collectionName>.find({"_id": ObjectId("someid")}, {field1: 1, field2: 1});
db.<collectionName>.find({"_id": ObjectId("someid")}, {field1: 0}); // Exclude field1
// returns the results sorted by the name field in ascending order (1).
// Use -1 for descending order
db.<collectionName>.find().sort( { name: 1 } );
// document count
// update specific fields of a single document that match the query condition
// db.<collectionName>.update(<query>, <update>)
db.<collectionName>.update({title : "Treasure Island"}, {$set : {category :"Adventure Fiction"}});
// remove certain fields of a single document the query condition
// db.collection.update(<query>, <update>)
db.<collectionName>.update({title : "Treasure Island"}, {$unset : {category:""}})
// remove certain fields of all documents that match the query condition
// db.collection.update(<query>, <update>, {multi:true} )
db.<collectionName>.update({category : "Fiction"}, {$unset : {category:""}}, {multi:true})
// delete a single document that match the query conditio
// db.collection.remove(<query>, {justOne:true})
db.<collectionName>.remove({title :"Treasure Island"}, {justOne:true})
// delete all documents matching a query condition
// db.collection.remove(<query>)
db.<collectionName>.remove({"category" :"Fiction"})
// delete all documents in a collection
Admin commands
// get the collection statistics
// latency statistics for read, write operations including average time taken for reads, writes
// and related umber of operations performed
// get collection size for data and indexes
db.<collectionName>.dataSize() // size of the collection
db.<collectionName>.storageSize() // total size of document stored in the collection
db.<collectionName>.totalSize() // total size in bytes for both collection data and indexes
db.<collectionName>.totalIndexSize() // total size of all indexes in the collection
TLS 1.2 for Mongo Routers
To protect your application’s database connection enable TLS on the mongo routers as follows. Note that your mongo driver configuration needs to trust the CA certificate and enable transport encryption with ssl=true
# See:
# applies to versions < 4.2
port: 27017
mode: allowSSL
PEMKeyFile: /etc/ssl/mongo-router.pem
CAFile: /etc/ssl/mongo-ca.pem
disabledProtocols: TLS1_0,TLS1_1
allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates: true
# applies to versions ≥ 4.2
port: 27017
mode: allowTLS
certificateKeyFile: /etc/ssl/mongo-router.pem
CAFile: /etc/ssl/mongo-ca.pem
disabledProtocols: TLS1_0,TLS1_1
allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates: true
Rolling Update/Cluster Patching
Maintenance (startup in reverse order):
// 1) on primary:
// Instructs the primary of the replica set to become a secondary. After the primary steps down, eligble secondaries will hold an election for primary.
// 2) stop config service
// 3) stop shard services (primary, secondary)
// 4) patch app/OS
// 5) reboot
Replication Concept
- write operations go to the primary node
- all changes are recorded into operations log
- asynchronous replication to secondary
- secondaries copy the primary oplog
- secondary can use sync source secondary*
- automatic failover on primary failure
*settings.chainingAllowed (true by default)
Replica set oplog
- special capped collection that keeps a rolling record of all operations that modify the data stored in the databases
- idempotent
default oplog size (for Unix and Windows systems):
Storage Engine Default Oplog Size Lower Bound Upper Bound In-memory 5% of physical memory 50MB 50GB WiredTiger 5% of free disk space 990MB 50GB MMAPv1 5% of free disk space 990MB 50GB
- start each server with config options for replSet
/usr/bin/mongod --replSet "myRepl"
- initiate the replica set on one node -
- verify the configuration -
- add the rest of the nodes -
on the primary node
- check the status of the replica set -
- shard/replica set - subset of the sharded data
- config servers - metadata and config settings
- mongos - query router, cluster interface
- contains subset of sharded data
- replica set for redundancy and HA with odd number of voting members
- primary shard
- don’t shard collections if dataset fits into single server
- –shardsvr in config file (port 27018)
- every xxx has a primary shard per database
- all non-shared collections will reside on primary shard
Shard keys (and limitations)
- shard keys are immutable with max size of 512 bytes (can not be updated/changed)
- must be ascending indexed key or indexed compound keys that exists in every document in the collection
- cannot be multikey index, a text index or a geospatial index
- update operations that affect a single document must include the shard key or the _id field
- no option for sharding if unique indexes on other fields exist
- no option for second unique index if the shard key is unique index
- ranged sharding may not distribute the data evenly
- hashed sharding distributes the data randomly
Config servers
- config servers as replica set (only 3.4)
- stores the metadata for sharded cluster in
database - authentication configuration information in
database - holds balancer on Primary node (>= 3.4)
- –configsvr in config file (port 27019)
- caching metadata from config servers
- routes queries to shards
- no persistent state
- updates cache on metadata changes
- holds balancer (mongodb <= 3.2)
- mongos version 3.4 can not connect to earlier mongod version
Sharding collection
Step | Command |
Enable sharding on database | sh.enableSharding("users") |
Shard collection | sh.shardCollection("users.history", { user_id : 1 } ) |
Shard key - indexed key that exists in every document | range basedsh.shardCollection("users.history", { user_id : 1 } ) hashed based sh.shardCollection( "users.history", { user_id • "hashed" } ) |
sudo egrep -iR "(fasssert|Fatal Assertion|UnrecoverableRollbackError)" /var/log/mongodb/*.log
mongos> db._adminCommand({getParameter:"*"})
"ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS" : -1,
"ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting" : -1,
"ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize" : -1,
"ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" : 1,
"ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS" : -1,
"ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS" : -1,
"authSchemaVersion" : 5,
"authenticationMechanisms" : [
"clusterAuthMode" : "undefined",
"connPoolMaxConnsPerHost" : 200,
"connPoolMaxShardedConnsPerHost" : 200,
"cursorTimeoutMillis" : NumberLong(600000),
"disableNonSSLConnectionLogging" : false,
"enableCollectionLocking" : true,
"enableLocalhostAuthBypass" : true,
"enableTestCommands" : false,
"heapProfilingEnabled" : false,
"heapProfilingSampleIntervalBytes" : NumberLong(262144),
"internalAggregationLookupBatchSize" : 101,
"internalGeoNearQuery2DMaxCoveringCells" : 16,
"internalGeoPredicateQuery2DMaxCoveringCells" : 16,
"internalQueryAlwaysMergeOnPrimaryShard" : false,
"internalQueryCacheEvictionRatio" : 10,
"internalQueryCacheFeedbacksStored" : 20,
"internalQueryCacheSize" : 5000,
"internalQueryEnumerationMaxIntersectPerAnd" : 3,
"internalQueryEnumerationMaxOrSolutions" : 10,
"internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes" : 33554432,
"internalQueryExecYieldIterations" : 128,
"internalQueryExecYieldPeriodMS" : 10,
"internalQueryForceIntersectionPlans" : false,
"internalQueryMaxScansToExplode" : 200,
"internalQueryPlanEvaluationCollFraction" : 0.3,
"internalQueryPlanEvaluationMaxResults" : 101,
"internalQueryPlanEvaluationWorks" : 10000,
"internalQueryPlanOrChildrenIndependently" : true,
"internalQueryPlannerEnableHashIntersection" : false,
"internalQueryPlannerEnableIndexIntersection" : true,
"internalQueryPlannerMaxIndexedSolutions" : 64,
"internalQueryS2GeoCoarsestLevel" : 0,
"internalQueryS2GeoFinestLevel" : 23,
"internalQueryS2GeoMaxCells" : 20,
"internalSCCAllowFastestAuthConfigReads" : false,
"internalSCCAllowFastestMetadataConfigReads" : false,
"logComponentVerbosity" : {
"verbosity" : 0,
"accessControl" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"command" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"control" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"executor" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"geo" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"index" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"network" : {
"verbosity" : -1,
"asio" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"bridge" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"query" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"replication" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"sharding" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"storage" : {
"verbosity" : -1,
"journal" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"write" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"ftdc" : {
"verbosity" : -1
"logLevel" : 0,
"logUserIds" : false,
"opensslCipherConfig" : "",
"quiet" : false,
"replMonitorMaxFailedChecks" : 30,
"saslHostName" : "ip-172-16-40-75",
"saslServiceName" : "mongodb",
"saslauthdPath" : "",
"scramIterationCount" : 10000,
"scriptingEngineInterruptIntervalMS" : 1000,
"sslMode" : "disabled",
"startupAuthSchemaValidation" : true,
"taskExecutorPoolSize" : 0,
"tcmallocAggressiveMemoryDecommit" : 0,
"tcmallocEnableMarkThreadIdle" : true,
"tcmallocMaxTotalThreadCacheBytes" : NumberLong(1073741824),
"textSearchEnabled" : true,
"timeOutMonitoringReplicaSets" : false,
"traceExceptions" : false,
"userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs" : 30,
"ok" : 1
db._adminCommand( {getCmdLineOpts: 1})
markdown source
mongos> db._adminCommand( {getCmdLineOpts: 1})
"argv" : [
"parsed" : {
"config" : "/etc/mongos.conf",
"net" : {
"bindIp" : "",
"port" : 27017
"processManagement" : {
"fork" : true,
"pidFilePath" : "/var/run/mongodb/"
"sharding" : {
"configDB" : ",,"
"systemLog" : {
"destination" : "file",
"logAppend" : true,
"path" : "/var/log/mongodb/mongos.log"
"ok" : 1